Declan O'Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks. for this.  I think your instructions apply to lyx. But I'm
> attempting to do the same thing in kile.
> I suppose if I knew how to define the position according to
> coordinates, I'd be better off. I just want the pictures to "grow"
> from the bottom right hand side of the slide.
> What are the coordinates of a slide? How are they defined?
> What is, for example, the bottom left?
> The bottom right?
> The top left?
> The top right?
> The centre?
> I should be able to work from there.
> Unless there's an easier way to do it.  I see that latex speaks about
> "center," but it won't let me choose "right".

Here is a trick I use to position a figure.
Put the following in the preamble:

and then in the text:


In LyX it would be:

\putat{130}{-100}{      <- in ERT
<graphics inset>
}                       <- in ERT

The horizontal (first parameter) and vertical (second parameter)
displacements are in terms of \unitlength (default is 1pt) and are
relative to the position where the \putat command appears.
Note that when \putat is defined as done above, the figure
(or whatever) does not take space in LaTeX.

Hope this helps.


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