Marcelo Acuña wrote:

I can't to use spellchecker. Accented letters
and ñ, Ñ are not recognized by ispell, aspell.
Common problem for unicode users, because
lyx doesn't support unicode.  That cause trouble
when the spellchekcer expects unicode while lyx
gives it iso8859 encoded text.
echo $LANG
with this nothing is show.
export LANG=es_ES
Then run lyx from the same xterm, so it uses the
modified  language.  You should still get the lyx
GUI in your language, assuming it is translated.
And now the spellchecker works too. :-)
No work for me :-(
Lyx 1.4.0pre appears without menu, only
Strange.  If the menu isn't translated, then you
should get
it in english instead.  This looks like a broken
a icon bar, I clicked icon for file open
and, choose my file (saved with 1.4.0pre)
and I get error in conversion.
Then I open with lyx (from icon),
deleted list of fig,
repeat process and when I open the file
lyx go out (aborted) with an error message.
Which is the date when You expect lyx 1.5.0 will be

I can only guess - a year or two.  The spellchecker
and rest of lyx is supposed to work fine when LANG
doesn't contain the UTF-8 part though.

no work for me.
What can I do? I need run spellcheck.
Your lyx installation is clearly broken, perhaps a reinstall
is in place.  What operating system do you use, how did
you install lyx?
The menu should never ever disappear.  Get that working,
then look at the spellchecker.

What version of lyx is this?  You may get in trouble if
you mix lyx-1.4pre and earlier versions, as they may want to
use the same directories.  Particularly .lyx/ in your
home directory, assuming that you're on linux (or other unix).

Things to try:
1. rename .lyx to .lyx-old
rename the .lyx directory in your home directory
to something like .lyx-old.  Then run lyx, and see if
things gets better.  This may work as running lyx-1.4
may overwrite some stuff in the .lyx directory, so it
don't work too well with lyx-1.3 anymore.
Note that any customization will be lost this way, but
you can find all customized stuff in .lyx-old/ and
copy items over one by one.

2. reinstall lyx
If you tried lyx 1.4 briefly and now wants to use lyx 1.3 again,
do reinstall lyx 1.3 even if it seems to exist on your pc.
This because the test install of lyx 1.4 may have overwritten
some of lyx-1.3's files.  If your package manager don't want
to reinstall, remove lyx and then reinstall it.
The latest lyx 1.3 is now lyx 1.3.7.  This version works better
with files from lyx-1.4 than the older versions of lyx-1.3 do.

If you get lyx itself working fine (with menu) but still
have trouble with the spellchecker, ask again.

Helge Hafting

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