Firefox uses ctrl-pgup /ctrl-pgdn to switch tabs. Is that common? Seems like an intuitive choice...

My two cents.

On Sat, 8 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 8 Apr 2006, Nick Kuzmik wrote:

Is there a fast way to toggle between 2 open documents in a single
instance of Lyx.  I'm thinking of something analagous to CTRL-TAB for
tabbed browsing in Firefox or how MS Word used to open several files
within one instance of the program and there was a cycle command.
Or emacs? (^c^b). This has been a source of minor frustration to me as
well. Say I open 10 files (or 3 -- both happen). The last opened appears
at the top of the list (formerly in the document menu, now the view menu). If I want to switch between that document and one somewhere in the
"middle" rapidly, I have to remember the relative location of that file
entry. I want to put all my mental energy into my creative task and forget
the underlying technology as much as possible.

OK, I love the technology (lyx, latex, TeX, Bib management and all the manifold layers) and sometimes I have to "get it" to set something up or to fix something that broke (probably because I did something stupid). Point is, when I work, I want to forget the technology and attend to the writing.

This sounds like a good suggestion, why don't you add it to bugzilla?


PS. You'll find bugzilla at IIRC

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