
I downloaded LyX 1.3.7 for Windows.

After installing, when run for the first time as a normal user
(not member of the group Administrators) I got several error dialogs
about installing some packages, that I could only cancel. There were
about a dozen of then shown one after another. See the attached screenshot
named lyx_1_first_start.PNG.

After that, when trying to export a document into ASCII or PDF, it fails.
See pictures lyx_2_export_ASCII.PNG and lyx_3_export_PDF.PNG.

There are also some errors in the docs :


2.1 The Format of the Manuals

"You can go to the section the referred to by clicking the button labeled "Go 
to reference"."

There is no such button, only one labeled "Goto".

"Clicking on "Go back" or typing C-< will take you back to your earlier 

I don't see "Go back" anywhere. Where is it supposed to be ?
(later I see the "Goto" button changes to "Go back", but I swear it did
not change the first time I clicked it)
Control-< does not do anything. (in the document window)

"Noun Style is used for people's names."

The names above (Donald Knuth and Leslie Lamport) were not written in this 

David Balažic

PS: The OS used is MS Windows Server 2003 SP1 Enterprise edition (Trial)

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HERMES Softlab                     http://www.hermes-softlab.com
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