Bo Peng wrote:
you can find the windows installer for LyX 1.4.1.

This comes a week later after all my troubles with the official
installer (see my another email), still this installer should be

Uwe, I have asked before what has prevented us to make your installer
the official one.

Uwe's installer doesn't permit non-administrative installations,
nor support windows 98, according to its documentation. The official
installer does, but appears to lack a dedicated maintainer.

A local non-admin install of LyX permits using network resources for
Miktex and Python with the official version if they are available;
LyXWinInstaller has a network version to access non-admin resources
but aborts when installing LyX when I tested it awhile ago. The
user base for Win98 which is deprecated, is still larger than Mac
and Linux combined for client desktops (not servers).

So your criteria for "official" appears to be ease of use for
incompetent new users rather than supporting a wider scope of
installation scenarios and/or competent users who already have
the helper apps installed. Some users just use LyX without Latex
so requiring admin rights to install LyX because one needs to
have admin rights for required helper apps is a faulty argument.

At the end of the 1.3.7 cycle both installers worked very well,
but targeted different user bases. Both the 1.4.x installer
versions have flaws and it is to be expected that the newer
release (Uwe) would incorporate more fixes. The Angus installer
is not going to reflect bug improvements without an active
maintainer and Uwe has stated he doesn't have time to maintain
both versions. So there may be only one official 1.4.x version to
choose from in the future. Angus/LyX 1.3.7 will still be useful.

It is a registry reading issue,

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