Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Enrico Forestieri writes:

I am sorry, but this is simply FUD. If he cannot even start sh, there
is a problem with his cygwin installation.

But you don't need cygwin. If cygwin was only installed to use it for LyX I recommend to deinstall it to avoid problems like this.

regards Uwe

LyX used to be available for the Cygwin platform. Only fairly
recently has Cygwin become available again as a platform for LyX.

So it is quite unlikely the original poster had Cygwin installed
in order to install LyX. The OP probably means 2.01
"I try to install Lyx 1.4.1 (Setup 2.1 complete)"

It is most likely the OP had Cygwin installed for another reason
before he attempted the LyX install. It is not impossible that
the OP used his imagination on the installation requirements
but the most plausible fix is to pub the Msys sh.exe version
ahead of Cygwin in the Path, temporarily remove Cygwin from the
Path, or use the full path from where your installer has located
sh.exe executed from the \Lyx\Resource directory which contains
configure. C:\LyX\Resources> C:\Msys\bin\sh.exe configure <enter>

There is a history of a prior Cygwin installation containing
sh.exe or sed.exe, interfering with a LyX installation and the
methods in the above paragraph were the established fixes.
I don't know why you thought the OP installed Cygwin for part
of a WinLyXInstaller installation, which means the Cygwin install
serves some purpose for him, so why delete it?

Do the standard ways of fixing this problem no longer work for
the complete WinLyXInstaller? It seems to me Enrico's remarks
refer to the unlikely assumption that Cygwin needs to be
uninstalled and/or that the OP installed Cygwin as part of the
tools needed to install a complete WinLyXInst (a peculiar idea).


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