I need to rotate a figure and the associated caption by 90 degrees counterclockwise.


"If a figure or table is too wide, you may try to rotate the figure or table 90 degrees counter-clockwise to produce a landscape figure or table. Figures can be rotated using the angle option in \includegraphics. If the caption also needs to be rotated, use the \rotcaption command instead of \caption command in the \figure environment. The \rotcaption command requires \usepackage{rotating} to be placed before the \begin{document} in the thesis.tex file. For example,

\rotcaption{Figure Caption}

I have tried this (viewing in DVI) and the figure is rotated counterclockwise but the caption remains left-to-right across the bottom of the page.

A separate issue is that when I try to export to PDF with pdflatex I get the error "LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .eps." for this one figure. There are dozens of eps figures in the rest of the document that LyX correctly imports (Insert->Graphics). So, if I do get the \includegraphics working correctly with the sideways caption what do I have to do to the .eps file for LaTeX to correctly export to pdf?

Yes, if you meant rotate to landscape and maintain
prior caption orientation. A useful resource: www.tug.org/tex-archive/info/visualFAQ/visualFAQ.pdf
For instance the 1st page answers your copyright and trademark question.

I did not find an example in visualFAQ.pdf similar to what I want.


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