Enrique S Gonzalez Di Totto wrote:

As a new user, to me clearly the most important feature missing from LyX is the ability to create new document classes with custom enviroments using the LyX GUI.

I know adding such a feature must be quite a large undertaking, but writing .layout files or even one single line of LaTeX code is too steep a learning curve for the average Word user to ever climb.

Are you talking about document classes or layouts here? They are quite different. One is instructions for the appearance of your document after it has been processed by LaTeX, the other how your document should be presented on screen by LyX.

Btw, in my opinion creating a new typographic appearance for a document is well beyound the average user - LyX or Word. In fact, I doubt I'd be able to produce something that looks good. (I'm not talking about doing some minor tweaking of an existing style here, but actually doing one from scratch). If possible, I'd leave this to people with (typo)graphical talents.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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