Paul A. Rubin wrote:
(Disclaimer: what follows below was done on my laptop, which we've
established was manufactured in an alternative dimension)
Is this one of those farin laptops from the Far East? I have heard
that the North Koreans have infiltrated the Taiwan computer industry
and have inserted top secret Many Worlds modules disguised to look
like L2 cache for testing purposes; a plan for Many Worlds dominion!
Steve Harris wrote:
No, Tex Information does not work. The Rescan button does not work
right. I have to run "python" in order to generate a
the .lst files. Rescan does not work at this point. After you copy
the .lst files to ~Resources, then Rescan registers the files in
the Resources directory, nearly instantaneously. Rescan does not
search the texmf directory. I've tested this twice.
Not only does it work for me, but I hid the bstFiles.lst file (by
renaming it), started LyX 1.4.2, went to Tools->TeX Information->BibTeX
styles, and bstFiles.lst was reconstituted automagically (without my
having to click Rescan). I did this about three times to convince
myself that the gods were not playing with me. (If they were, they were
unusually single-minded about it.)
I could hardly believe this and even came up with the renaming scheme
for testing independently which is already written in another post.
I can remember when TeX Information was not automatic. The first time
you opened it up it did the initial scan then. I suggest buying a
lottery ticket. Just don't forget who gave you the idea ;-)
Python acting on works right, but the Rescan button
doesn't invoke "python" it only reads from Resources.
I'm not sure that asking if you have a full Python installed is
relevant. I do, and it is in the Path and works with earlier versions.
Same here.
But the installer (small 9mb) still installs Python into my LyX/lyx14
sub-directory and Msys shell tools too. The installer doesn't check
to see if you already have Python and Msys intalled, it just installs
it again.
Same here.
The reason I questioned the relevance is that I thought
LyX ran executables from its own installation directory first, so
that the Python used was the LyX-owned Python, not the full version.
In any event, whatever python is being used, it correctly runs
"python" but that action is not connected to Rescan.
Rescan *only* reads the .lst files *after* they have been created,
from the Resource directory (not even from /scripts where they arise).
Works for me (on the laptop -- haven't tried any other machines).
McCarthy says the laptop is under suspicion of being a pinko machine :-)
Since Bo also says it does not work (and I'm pretty sure I'm not the
only Windows user for whom it does work), perhaps we should be looking
for environmental similarities/differences.
Aha! I put LyX and and bin and resources in the front of Path.
Uninstalled LyX and re-installed. Deleted both shell and python.
Tried rescan and it worked.
I uninstalled Lyx again and re-installed. Tex Info didn't work.
I deleted shell and it didn't work. I restored shell and deleted
python and lo and behold Tex Information worked like in the good
old days. The screen stayed blank for a few seconds but I could
hear the hard drive working. Then it opened up to display Tex
Information; I didn't have to run Rescan starting from a
blank Tex Info screen. The first time clicking Tex Info did it.
I tested Rescan, somewhat. I think it was working because I
couldn't click on "close" for several seconds and close it.
That is how it used to be. Then I restored python from the
Recycler. Rescan does not appear to work then as clicking
on the "close" button immediately closes Rescan instead of
their being a delay until Rescan finishes processing.
I guess that doesn't explain why you having the Python
subdir under LyX works ok, but I have to delete that
subdir before Tex Information works right. Still seems
like an environmental difference but it is narrowed down.
Using the system Python2.4 seems to work ok. One odd
thing is that I no longer have any .lst files in
Resources or Scripts. I was just able now, to generate
them using either the system python or the lyx python.
(bibfiles.lst, bstFiles.lst, clsfiles.lst & styfiles.lst)
But I seem to remember a couple of other .lst files in
Resources, packages.lst and textclass.lst, now missing.