there is a previous thread on this.

but basically, rescaling svg, using clippath and other features results in
fubar EPS. inscape developers are awere of this and they want to hire a
programmer to make a new svg2ps library.


On 9/14/06, Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/14/06, Bernhard Roider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, i didn't know that copy/paste stuff works with lyx. it didn't in
> 1.3.x, did it? it's an option, but still i would prefer having all of
> the latex typesetting in a single file (or file type if i split a large
> document into several smaller parts). Managing formulas in images to
> match the ones in the main document is always more work i think.
> Another question: pstoedit converts .eps files to editable formats such
> as .fig, am i right? wouldn't there be a direct way to convert .svg to
> .fig? then we could circumvent inkscapes (not so good) .svg to .eps
> conversion. (even if i look forward that it will grow better)
> another idea: inkscape is in heavy development - maybe those special
> flags (i still don't know what these exactly are) can be included there
> without having to use intermediate file formats.

pstoedit does need an postscript file. What is wrong with Inscape
conversion to EPS? I see people loosely complain about it, but I have
not had any problem until now.


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