On Dec 11, 2006, at 2:41 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Jens Noeckel wrote:
On Dec 11, 2006, at 1:13 PM, Stefano Franchi wrote:
I would like to revert the minibuffer behavior of my 1.4.x LyX installation to the behavior I had under 1.3.x. That is:

1. No minibuffer is shown as default
2. M-x opens the minibuffer for input (and gains focus too)
3. at the end of minibuffer editing, the minibuffer itself is closed.

I cannot replicate step 3: the mini-buffer, once opened remains opened. Any suggestion?


I'd like to second this request. There should be a way to get rid of the minibuffer after invoking it. I have the line
"minibuffer" "off,bottom"
in my user interface file "default.ui". When I invoke the command line with the key for "command-execute", it appears at the bottom, but I don't know a way to hide it again. It seems logical to me that if the default is "off", then LyX should return to that state after executing a command from the minibuffer.

You can get rid of the minibuffer by right clicking in an empty space on the toolbar and unchecking it. That said, I'd like to see M-x toggle the minibuffer (open it if closed, close it if open). Having to click (twice) to get rid of it is a bit awkward, not to mention less than widely publicized.

I'm not sure I second the notion of automatically closing the minibuffer after each command; it's conceivable someone might want to type in a sequence of commands (for instance, define several math macros in a single orgy of typing).



great, thanks for the hint. It's always fun to discover some new hidden feature. That trick is good enough for me, since I don't actually invoke the minibuffer all that often.


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