On Mon, 25 Dec 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using  LYX 1.3.5 to write a novel Running on Suse Linux 9.3 I have
finally setteld to use Doc Class Memoir because it gives me least problems
regarding my preferences


  First, let me encourage you to upgrade to -1.4.4. The -1.3.5 release is
very old and no longer supported. No reason why the latest stable release
will not run on your system.

All the Book classes available on my version of LYX have a common
shortcoming LOOK at any Book you buy or get from the Library and you will
see that chapter one starts on the right hand page . The page is therefore
bound on its left edge Similarly if I do some document for my office or
for a sales proposal we put it into a presentation folder with the binding
on the left.

In the Book class in LYX odd pages  eg number one are always with the Binding
space on the right side of the page .This convention is very troublesome

  Second, you're looking at it from the wrong viewpoint. Take a book from
your shelf and open it anywhere. You'll see that the outer page margins are
wider than the inner page margins. That's because when you lay the book flat
on its back, the inner margins of both pages make the text area look

The second problem is that LYX will only start a Chapter on odd number
pages and this results in Lyx inserting blank pages Blank pages are thus
even number and so always take up position on the left side of an open
book . I would be better served if A) no convention about chapters
starting on odd or even pages
B)LYX started chapters on even pages if it had to have a convention about this
C) If I had some code I could enter in the document to change the Chapter
start convention on the fly

  Third, you can make changes so chapters will start on either odd or even
pages, but that's not standard for the types of books LaTeX and LyX were
designed to handle. Yes, novels will start chapters anywhere they want --
even in the middle of the page -- but that's not typographic convention for
a book.

  Fourth, if you want to get the maximum from LyX you'll need to learn
LaTeX. Whether you'll enter it in the unfortunately-named ERT, or in the
preamble, or you want to know how to change the appearance of your document,
you need LaTeX. Two recommendations: Guide to LaTeX, 4th Edition and The
LaTeX Companion, 2nd Edition.

The simplest would be if I could enter code so that all odd number pages are
set to have binding space on the left instead of right I can then work around
all other problems

  You can do this, but your book will look very odd when you're done. I've
seen books like that: the text area is pushed to the outer edges of the
pages with a huge white space on either side of the binding. Very
amateurish, IMNSHO.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |    The Environmental Permitting
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.        |          Accelerator(TM)
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com>     Voice: 503-667-4517      Fax: 503-667-8863

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