On Apr 11, 2007, at 12:40 PM, Robert Neumann wrote:

 Part of the issue may stem from your having LyX display
the graphics; doing this requires that LyX convert the graphics one-
by-one to a format it is able to display, and this may take a while.
ok, I will turn of the graphics preview, I dont really need it.

The other issue -- taking a long time view a pdf of your document --
is not an issue with LyX but rather with LaTeX: LyX hands off
typesetting tasks to LaTeX, which then runs in the background. My 240-
page document takes about 23 seconds to typeset (and that's with
I used the i-installer for LaTeX. Is there a difference between this LaTeX and
the MacTeX?

Not that would explain an extreme slowdown. They're both (currently) based off of TeXLive and both have versions for Intel Macs.


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