On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 09:31:35AM -0400, Bennett Helm wrote:
> On Apr 10, 2007, at 4:28 PM, Robert Neumann wrote:
> >Hello, I just installed lyx 144 sucessfully on a macbook core duo.
> >Opening  and working on a document with 40 pages was no problem (well
> >scrolling up and down was a bit sluggish...) But when I opened a
> >document with 290 pages and about 80 figures lyx hangs itself at the
> >first attempt. At the second it opened the  document but when I tried
> >the pdf-preview I had to close Lyx after waiting  for 3 minutes with
> >the fan running like a hair blower.  Is this a known issue for the
> >mac? I know that lyx is much slower on windows  than on linux but I
> >thought with OS X beeing close to  linux it would be as fast as with
> >linux...  regards robert
> There seem to be two issues you're describing. One is the "hang" when
> opening a large document. Since that occurred only once (as you
> describe it), it's hard to know what the cause is.

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