I have a 180+ page book with many (probably over 500) character 

I want to have styles defined for:

command names
command line options
configuration options
command output (I just use lyxcode for that)
command input

Currently I am just using stuff like typewriter, italics (or emphasis), 
bold, ... but whenever I want to try something different I will have to 
change hundreds of things. So I want to be able to identify something as a 
"filename" or "command" for example.

Any examples?

I am using 1.4.3 and the User's Guide says: "The LyX Team has at last (as 
of LyX version 1.4) introduced true character styles, but currently these 
must be defined explicitly in the document layout file. There's currently 
no GUI support to define new, or tweak existing, character styles to allow 
you, the user, to customize which font changes correspond to what styles."

Can someone share examples for this?

I see that http://wiki.lyx.org/Playground/CharacterStyles
mentions some examples. How can I use these?

Also email from Steve L at 
http://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/KeyboardShortcutForCharacterStyles says:

- Insert
- Character Style
- Pick which character style 

But I don't see that anywhere. (Not on my Insert menu.) Can someone 
explain this?

  Jeremy C. Reed

p.s. Why doesn't the website have the LyX documentation? If it does, I 
overlooked it -- where is it linked from?

p.p.s. Why are there both http://wiki.lyx.org/Playground/CharacterStyles 
and http://wiki.lyx.org/Category/CharacterStyle wiki pages?

Or why does Google have Playground indexed if it is a practice sandbox?

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