On 19.03.08, Dominik Böhm wrote:

> Is there any more convenient solution for such problems in LyX or is
> the macro-feature a math-only thing?

Currently, there is unfortunately no text-macro available. 

However, if I understand it right lyx 1.6 will come with support in form
of user-configurable text-styles that can be embedded in the document.

I am not quite sure whether you can already define a text style
in a layout file with 1.5.

OTOH, you can get the \zB a bit simpler:

M-x math-macro abkzB

and in the math Box:

   Strg-m (text in math)
   Strg-Shift-Space  (small space)

> When I want to include "z.B." in my document, I have to press Ctrl+m
> and enter "\abkzB". 

You can even define a keybinding for this.


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