On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 1:42 PM, G. Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 19.03.08, Dominik Böhm wrote:
>  > Is there any more convenient solution for such problems in LyX or is
>  > the macro-feature a math-only thing?
>  Currently, there is unfortunately no text-macro available.

Okay, I already thought so.

>  OTOH, you can get the \zB a bit simpler:
>  M-x math-macro abkzB
>  and in the math Box:
>    Strg-m (text in math)
>    z.
>    Strg-Shift-Space  (small space)
>    B.

Nope, that doesn't work, as LyX generates "$\mbox{z.\, B.}$" (note the
space after \,). That makes the space not a half but a one and a half
space. I think, putting it into a separate command into the preamble
is the only way.

>  > When I want to include "z.B." in my document, I have to press Ctrl+m
>  > and enter "\abkzB".
>  You can even define a keybinding for this.

That's right, but it's still not the way I would do it using plain LaTeX.


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