Joost Verburg wrote:
Rich Shepard wrote:
However, if you want to use open source applications built
to open standards, then understand that almost all of these were originally build for linux or one of the *BSDs, those are the platforms the developers
use, and making them available to the Windows world is a courtesy, not a

LyX supports Windows, Linux/Unix and Mac OS X and it should work fine on all these platforms. There is no reason why one of these platform should get more support than others.

About this shortcut issue: LyX uses the standard Windows dialog for file selection. So this is a bug/feature of Windows itself. I guess it is designed this way because selecting a shortcut itself should also be possible.

I don't think so. Contrast the behavior of the Insert -> Graphics dialog with the File -> Open dialog. Suppose I have a shortcut on my desktop to C:\whatever\whoever. In the File -> Open dialog, I browse to the desktop and double click the shortcut. This browses to C:\whatever\whoever in the dialog, and I can select a file. In the Insert -> Graphics dialog, I browse to the desktop and double click the shortcut. This time, the shortcut (.lnk file) is selected as the file to insert. The former behavior is both "Windows standard" (if that's not an oxymoron) and the intended behavior, but in any case I can't see a logical reason why the two dialogs should behave differently.


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