William R. Buckley schrieb:

I have learned from where most of the text formatting is controlled,
and it is surprisingly easy.  Don't understand why I can't there also
find *strikeout* among the forms.

Because the LateX-packages that support this are not yet ready for Unicode (non latin) characters, but we offer Unicode. We plan to build in support for this with LyX 1.7.

Also, why not add ability to
select the font, when also selecting weight (bold, medium) and
other features (normal, italic, slant)?

You can set the font in the document settings. A document should only have one font and in the document settings you can define what font should be used for typewriter, sansserif, and roman (serif) shapes in your document.
(The most consistent way is btw. to use a fon like latin modern that offers all 
three font shapes.)

regards Uwe

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