I get this message when I try to open a recent or any document in LyX, but am 
not certain where it should be sent.

To the Debian maintainer or to someone programming LyX?

$ lyx
QPaintEngine::setSystemClip: Should not be changed while engine is active
QPaintEngine::setSystemClip: Should not be changed while engine is active
QWidgetPrivate::beginSharedPainter: Painter is already active
QWidgetPrivate::endSharedPainter: Attempting to end a null painter
QPaintEngine::setSystemClip: Should not be changed while engine is active
QPaintEngine::setSystemClip: Should not be changed while engine is active
QWidgetPrivate::beginSharedPainter: Painter is already active

lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting instructions 
in Help->Introduction and send us a bug report, if necessary. Thanks !

Registered Linux User:- 329524
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you will realize the unity of all things. Do not doubt the possibilities 
because of the simplicity of these teachings. If you can't find the truth 
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