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It would appear that on May 5, Helge Hafting did say:
        # also snipped...

> Yes. Rather than delete an ERT box, just put a %-sign at the start of each
> line
> inside. That disables it, it is then easy to enable again later by
> removing the %-signs.

Yeah! That would probably make more sense. Hmmnn. if % comments out a
line of latex code in the ERT box like # does in a bash script then I'm
thinking I could add a commented first few lines that say what the ERT
box is for.  Including a line that says:
% "uncomment the lines below this one to enable ERT box" 

Then I wouldn't even need a comment box at all...

> >  Hmmnn, Is the redefining of the latex font size values
> > independent of the koma-script package? 
> This sort of thing can be done with any document class.

A reason to learn how to do it this way as well as to enable those other
document classes.

> > Is there perhaps, an easy to follow how-to somewhere for this technique
> > of redefining the font sizes? {drool drool}
> Not that I know of - I wouldn't consider this an "easy way". You would
> have to read up on latex commands. Might be interesting if you're into
> programming, or have a special interest for typography. Or it could be
> a big headache .  . .

OK I'm now convinced that the ability to use latex commands to
accomplish things like this is worth the time I'll have to spend
trying to learn some latex. But that's going to take a while...

> The "easy way" is to use document class: "book/article/report (more font
> sizes)"
> which allows font sizes up to 20pt to be selected in
> "document->settings->fonts"
> I.e. if you already use "article", switch to "article (more font sizes)".
> If you already use book, switch to "book (more font sizes)" and so on.
> This works with the released lyx 1.5.4, and the upcoming lyx 1.6
> There is also document class "book (memoir)" that allows font sizes up to
> 17 pt.
> On debian, and probably ubuntu, this stuff becomes
> available if you install the package "texlive-latex-recommended". You may
> also have to use "tools->reconfigure" in LyX, and then restart LyX so
> that LyX will know about the new available document classes.

Yes that did get the "(more font sizes)" document classes activated on
my desktop's kubuntu installation...

> There are some advantages to using a document class over
> redefining the font sizes. This is so because font sizes only is
> part of the typography. There are also such things as margin sizes,
> distances between heading and the following paragraph, distance
> between figures and text, spacing in lists, math sizes, and so on. 
> Many of these adapt to the font size in use, but not necessarily all.
> A document class with extra font sizes should take care
> of everything though.
> If you want easy - definitely go for a document class that supports
> many font sizes. Then you are sure everything will work and look good too.
Using the freshly texlive enhanced kubuntu copy of lyx on the desktop
I opened an old book class doc that output 7 page pdf doc changed the
class to book (more font sizes) and then the base size from 12 to 17 and
output 8 page pdf... So I have a quick 'easy' fix. At least for my
kubuntu environments. 

> One can also get interesting results with ERT boxes, but they
> are meant for experts. There is a bigger risk of problems, from
> ugliness that needs more ERT (or micromanagement) to fix, to
> documents that doesn't print and need debugging. The latter is
> not fun when it happens late in the evening. :-/

Yeah, Though the more things I _CAN_ micromanage with ugly red text the
better I'll like it. In fact, even though I knew when I first became
interested in LyX that it would be a long time before I had much time to
spend on learning latex, it was the fact that one can override lyx with
embedded latex commands that convinced my to start using lyx...

I've never been happy with the idea of depending on whoever is
developing/maintaining a gui package to keep the parts I count
on, in the package... So the way LyX uses LaTeX, and incorporates
the idea of embedding actual LaTeX commands, while letting me do
almost anything I might have done with a word processor without having
to already know LaTeX is the main reason I do more with it than

Thank you for the help and pointers. 

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