
Pre-think all possible writing situations, and the environments and character styles those situations make necessary. If you give them a good enough layout, and a document explaining what to use when, most LyX writing, even ad hoc stuff, can become easy.

That's exactly what I did with Word, and is my plan for Lyx, but I don't have the same level of expertise in Lyx that I did in Word, when I did it for Word.

If you can list in detail what you need, I think you're half-way home. :-) Then you can ask this mailing list for help, only keep it to one issue per thread (i.e. one paragraph layout per thread). That'll make things easier for those that want to help and also for people searching the archives in the future.

Yes, for specific issues that is what I will do, this was more a brainstorming request.


PS. It'd be great if you would allow the final layout to be used by others, but I understand if that's impossible for business reasons.

I will see what I can do, as a selection of business type templates on the Wiki would be useful, if for nothing else to support Lyx as a serious business tool, and not just for quirky academics.


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