Hi Christopher,

Thanks a lot for the reply! You know... What would be neat is if we could edit the text in the "View LaTeX Source" window. Then it would be so simple to fix.

I guess that Lyx will remain a less than ideal front-end to Latex. One can use it to write the first draft of a big document, but fine tuning will have to be done on the generated LaTeX code, which is a one-way thing; there's no good going-back to LyX, once the LaTeX is modified. Yes, I tested: if you import a list (LaTeX->LyX), the converter inserts a blank line before the list and removes the blank line after the list.

This is surprising, given the alleged maturity of LyX.

I sent a message to the devel list, but got no reply so far. I know a thing or two about languages and parsing, so I might have been interested to help writing a fix, but I guess that they're not interested. It's sad. :-(


Christopher Reeve a écrit :
Sorry I can't help you, although personally I think the spacing looks
just right. Maybe with your line spacing settings it looks funny? I
agree thought that LyX does not seem to be very flexible here.

I just wanted to add to your comments the following.

When you start a "display formula", if you hit return before doing so
it adds an extra space. If you start the equation but don't hit return
before no space is added.

The problem is that in LyX you can't see the difference, so you only
notice the large gap when you compile the document.

Bit annoying right?


Etienne M. Gagnon, Ph.D.
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