On  7.07.08, Peter Pieczora wrote:
> Hi,

> > Do you know, that you only need to define the items that should deviate
> > from the definition by the included numarticle?

> I don't quite follow on that.

Sorry, I might have been a bit to vague.

It was not clear to me that your "Quote" style is the new environment and
I did not look at the numarticle.inc file to see what it actually defines
(not a new class but just labels for numbering).

Generally, defining a layout file is far more easy if you include a
matching standard layout file (*.layout or *.inc) and modify only part of
the definitions, e.g. in my spie.layout I define:

# Input general definitions
Input stdclass.inc


# Section-numbered style definition
Style Section
  Align                 Center
  AlignPossible         Block, Center, Left
    Series              Bold
    Size                large

(no need to repeat the margin etc.)

Maybe you have already done this. 

> As far as nesting, only Style Quote needs something nested in it, namely 
> sections and enumerates. As you can see from .layout Style Quote is defined 
> as LatexType Environment.


OTOH, I do not have problems nesting enumerations and sections inside a
Quote environment in an "article" document, (see attached file). 

I do not know what might cause the difference for your layout.

Just to verify: can you nest into a Quote in a standard article in LyX?


Attachment: nesting-in-quotation.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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