On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Dr. Joachim K. Rennstich
> I am new user to Lyx and I have been working on a Mac (10.5) with TeXShop
> and BibDesk successfully so far. I just updated to the latest Mac install
> for TeX and gave Lyx another try in v1.6 and want to do the switch. Here's
> my problem - whenever I try to send something from BibDesk to Lyx, I get the
> following error msg:
>> Unable to open the LyX pipe at "/Users/jrennstich/Library/Application
>> Support/LyX-1.6/.lyxpipe.in" for writing.  You should quit LyX and possibly
>> remove the pipe manually if this error persists.  The underlying system
>> error code was 6 (Device not configured).
> I saw the post here http://wiki.lyx.org/Mac/Environment about changing the
> .MacOSX/environment.plist but I am simply not able to find the relevant
> files: neither the .lyxpipe.in, nor ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist.

That webpage is for earlier versions of LyX and Mac OS X. You should ignore it.

You will need to delete /Users/jrennstich/Library/Application
Support/LyX-1.6/.lyxpipe.in manually, though you won't find them in
the GUI (since the Finder does not display any file whose name begins
with ".". So you need to do it using the Terminal:

rm /Users/jrennstich/Library/Application\ Support/LyX-1.6/.lyxpipe.in

(Notice the "\ " between "Application" and "Support".)

> Any help how to link Lyx and BibDesk successfully and help Lyx and BibDesk
> identify my .bib libraries would be greatly appreciated.

Just make sure you put your .bib libraries in the usual place:
~/Library/texmf/tex/bib. Then LaTeX (and LyX) can find them.


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