>> I upgraded to LyX 1.5.7 on WinXP with MikTeX 2.7 (updated). Everything
>> is fine except that update PDF does not work. When I try to update an
>> open PDF, which always worked fine before, I get an error from LaTeX:
>> ---
>> I can't write on file `test.pdf'
>> ---
>> The snippet of the Log file is here:
>> LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 49.
>> LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 49.
>> (test.out) (test.out
>> ! I can't write on file `test.pdf'.
>> Please type another file name for output
>> ! Emergency stop.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...utline goto name{#2}count#3{#4}
>> l.1 \BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1}{Introduction}{}
>> Any help is appreciated. For the record, I updated MikTeX, refreshed
>> it, and re-created the format files, and also ran Reconfigure in LyX.
> I suspect you're using Acrobat Reader, which locks the file while it's open.
> Check in the LyX bin directory and see if you have pdfview.exe installed.
> If yes, go to Tools -> Preferences... -> File formats, highlight in turn each
> PDF format you use, such as PDF (pdflatex), change the Viewer from 'auto'
> to 'pdfview' and click Modify and then Save. Then I think you'll need to 
> restart
> LyX (but not reconfigure).

As usual, Paul points the way to the promised land.

A couple things:

(1) I hope that the process of changing the formats in 1.6.0 is
changed so that you don't have to type, then click 'Modify', then
Save. This is not very intuitive. Why not click 'Modify', enter new
value, click 'OK'?

(2) I have always used Adobe Reader in many past versions and never
had this issue. AND, even with the format viewer changed to 'pdfview',
Adobe Reader is the viewer that is started, but DOES allow me to
update. Huh?? Basically everything just operates the way it used to,
so I presume that with the upgrade something changed the viewer from
'pdfview' to 'auto' for me, which then broke my ability to update the
PDF displayed in Adobe Reader. Overall, I am confused as to what
'pdfview' does, particularly because when I double-click the
pdfview.exe file from explorer I get an error that no PDF viewer is
installed, with a subsequent abort.

(3) For the record, you don't even have to restart (or reconfigure) to
make this work.

Thanks Paul!
- Dave

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