David Hewitt wrote:
(2) I have always used Adobe Reader in many past versions and never
had this issue. AND, even with the format viewer changed to 'pdfview',
Adobe Reader is the viewer that is started, but DOES allow me to
update. Huh?? Basically everything just operates the way it used to,
so I presume that with the upgrade something changed the viewer from
'pdfview' to 'auto' for me, which then broke my ability to update the
PDF displayed in Adobe Reader. Overall, I am confused as to what
'pdfview' does, particularly because when I double-click the
pdfview.exe file from explorer I get an error that no PDF viewer is
installed, with a subsequent abort.

pdfview allows you to use Adobe Reader without the file locking issue. The error is normal because pdfview requires a valid PDF file as parameter.


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