On 2009-01-13, jezZiFeR wrote:
>>> I didn´t find a possibility to change the font for the quotations.
>> ... you proabably have to change them in the similar way that Jürgen
>> suggested changing the marginpars.
> I would love to do that – but I do´t know how. What could I insert  
> instead of "marginpars"?

LyX's View>Source menu topic is your friend here. It shows the LaTeX
code corresponding to the current paragraph (or the whole document if
you check that button).

>>>> How could I do that or read sth on this topic?

In a good LaTeX book, of course. But there are starter documents that
come with every LaTeX installation called *guide.pdf, e.g.
/usr/share/doc/texlive-doc/latex/base/usrguide.pdf on my TeXLive on

>> You do not have to defend your choices :).

but it might motivate others to help if they see the meaning of a


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