> It'd be nice to have a list of things people need for collaboration. I guess
> we've probably had that discussion before, but I've never thought it had a
> very good outcome.

The most importand would IMHO be to compare two documents and in some
nice way, display differences so I can accept or reject them. Best
would be if everything could be within lyx and never have to use latex
or external tools.

After  this feature would be lyx having the possibility to save/open
documents stored on a server. ftp, wiki,scp,subversion or what ever
that will make it transparent. And when you are trying to save you see
the differences between your version and the one on the server and you
can check them and accept or reject and save a new version.

Also make it possible to use what ever document format you want to
store your LyX file in. Then you can open doc files and save them on
an ftp server without problem :-) Nice!  Well, it might require some
configuration settings...

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