On 2009-01-29, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Thursday 29 January 2009 03:00:45 am Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
>> Guenter Milde wrote:
>> > My proposal would be:
>> >
>> >    LyX is a graphical frontend for LaTeX. ...

>> Well, it is not _just_ that IMHO. My proposal:
>> "LyX is a graphical word processor mainly used with a LateX backend. LyX

> While this is essentially true, the word "word processor" has certain 
> connotations including easy fingerpainting and amateurish type layout.

This are also the connotations of "WYSIWYG" (for most LyX users, with one
notable exception) which is why I'd prefer to leave this term out of the

> I've often referred to LyX as a "typesetting program", but of course this 
> might intimidate people just beginning to consider LyX.

>> is especially suited for structured document writing."

> Yes it is, although creation and modification of styles is an order of 
> magnitude or two harder than with MS Word or WordPerfect.

When considering how best to decribe LyX in the Debian and Ubuntu
repositories, please keep the context (including the heading "Document
Processor"). This would give the discussion a proper base.

The current description of LyX in Debian and Ubuntu is:

 Document Processor
 LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and
 typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word
 processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it
 is even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with
 it than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX
 commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost. 

Actually, in this contex I can even live with the WYSIWYG term.


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