> There are several problems here:
> * Which of the many wiki variants do you want to support?

Even if there are many wikis, there are many common features.
However, the best aproach may be to include these into a 
layout file.

Style Chapter
        wikicommand "==" 
Style Section
        wikicommand "==="

In this way adding wikiengine support would be to make a new layoutfile.
> * What about the many many features that have no counterpart in the
>   wiki syntax?

I suggest these are dealt with in the same manner that wi deal with 
missing environments when one change document type. Warn and revert to

However, images might be a problem, I guess...

I think it would be a great addition. My use case is my latest book.

It was co-authored in a wiki (50+ persons), converted to html, imported 
to oo, exported as Latex imported to lyx. Added a lot of text and about 
400 images in Lyx -> pdf. Printed. Loved the Lyx part of the work :).

However, now the co-authors want to start edit again in the wiki, and 
create a living book on the web. And I have stated that it is out of
the questin as I can not find the time to convert it to a wiki.


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