On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Vincent van Ravesteijn - TNW
>>How can I convert the 1.6.1 documents to the older 1.5.5 format?
> In LyX 1.6.1, choose File->Export->LyX 1.5.x

I did a shell script to convert all my LyX documents to 1.5.x.  I
had about 600 LyX documents with many different formats, going back
several years to LyX 1.3.  Now they are all in the same format.

First a script:


  # filename of script is ~/bin/lyxconvert

  python -tt /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -t 276 "$1" > /tmp/temp.lyx

  mv -f /tmp/temp.lyx "$1"

  exit 0


  find ./ -name '*.lyx' -execdir ~/bin/lyxconvert '{}' ';'


  uninstall LyX 1.6.1, install Lyx 1.5.5

Now all the packages installed on my machine are Debian stable and
all my LyX documents are in 1.5.x format.  I'm a happy camper.

I'm sure there are much better ways to do this, and plenty of
pitfalls to the way I did it, but it converted about 600 LyX files
to the 1.5.x format, without any apparent problems, and in about 5
seconds.  I checked many files in different directories at random,
and haven't found any problems.  If I ever do find problems, I have
the old documents backed up on various media, so I think I'm set.

This seemed like it might be useful for converting all one's LyX
files to a single format, so please let me know if there are obvious
errors in what I did.

Lance Simmons

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