On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, Lance Simmons engaged keyboard and shared this with us 
>--} On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Robert Orr <philip_...@yahoo.com>
> wrote: --} >
>--} > Why do you want to downgrade?
>--} Last week Debian released its new stable version, Lenny.  Debian stable
> is rock --} solid; all release-critical bugs have been worked out.  The
> packages are --} somewhat older than Debian testing or unstable, but they
> all work, and they all --} work together with the other stable packages. 
> Lenny has LyX 1.5.5. --}

Great script Lance, thanks, but I had already done it manually just by 
stripping everything to the "\begin_body" section.

I don't know how I got LyX 1.6.1 but think that my sources list was still 
programmed to testing and apt-get upgraded, before I changed it to Lenny. I 
usually keep this system as testing without change, but have to have it 
reliable for a few months and might then change back to testing. LyX 1.6.1 
didn't work very well at all, a few glitches. 

I wish I had your script before I changed all the documents I'd worked on with 

Thanks for that.
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