
I'm having the following problem with the listings package. I would like to 
use the listings package in lyx to show code parts in pdf output. User should 
be able to just copy the code from the pdf and paste it in their editor and 
run the code without modification.

if I put the following line in a listing:
Create KlattGrid... kg 0 0.3 6 1 1 6  1 1 1
then it will show allright in the pdf but if the user copies this line from 
the pdf then a space is included in his copy just before the three dots. 
Hist copy will be:
Create KlattGrid ... kg 0 0.3 6 1 1 6  1 1 1
The three dots should not be separated from the "Create KlattGrid" part.
How can I arrange this?

The parameters for listings that I use are the following 


The alsoletter={"'} is to prevent spaces being added after  starting single 
and double quotes and before the ending quotes.

It did not help to include the dot in the alsoletter list because then the 
number 0.3 will be split in two parts as 0 .3.

I'm using Debian unstable/experimental with lyx 1.6.1.

Could anyone please help me how to make listings do somewhat less formatting.


David Weenink
Phonetic Sciences, University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 210, room 340
1012 VT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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