I guess it's a font-specific issue. Too bad because Bera looks great.

> >> Txtt:
> >> Set the typewriter font to Default in the GUI and write in the preamble
> >> \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{txtt}

> > Not bad (the font in general). Yet:
> > i. the backticks still look like ticks

> How do they look like in the first place? A minimal example file might help.

No need for an example here I think. It' simple: a backtick is _`_, a
tick (or a single-quote!?) is _'_. The backtick is usually below the Esc
key in most keyboards. The single wuote is well, usually in the same key
where the double quote lies. They should appear in the pdf like here in
this e-mail. Instead one cannot tell their difference in the output when
I use Bera as a typewriter font. Courier shows them better but, again, I
can't scale the font (I think...).

[ Sorry if I messed-up the terms a bit (tick ~ single-quote) ]

Any experiences for using long bash-like commands with LyX, KOMA-Script?
Kind regards, Nikos

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