bigblop wrote:
Having located the area where the error occurs I have found two ways of solving 
the problem. In the LyX master file the content comes in the following order:

1) -> a (possibly corrupted) .tiff image inserted in a figure.
2) -> page break
3) -> section
4) -> Input: child.lyx

If I either choose to remove the image 1) OR remove the following pagebreak 2), 
the child document gets updated correctly. It would make sense if it only 
helped to remove the image but actually it also solves the problem to remove 
the pagebreak.

I had a LyX crash where I got the following info:

C:/Users/bob/AppData/Local/Temp/lyx_tmpdir.p18708/gconvert0.q18708.tif: unknown 
field with tag 37724 (0x935c) encountered. `TIFFReadDirectory' @ 

Where I assume that 'convert' is an ImageMagic function. Maybe this could shed 
some light on whats is going on?

Yes, the compilation is failing at that point, so that's why nothing's updating.


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