On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:19:34 +0200
Thomas Løcke <thomas.granv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm about to start the process of writing the 2nd edition of a fairly
> long (+150 A4 pages) internal manual. It's about a set of software
> systems and programming practices in my business. The 1st edition was
> written using OpenOffice. I remember spending a lot of time trying to
> make things "look good", and when I'm reading the manual today, I'm
> constantly reminded of how hard I failed at that.  :o)
> So for this 2nd edition, I've been looking for some better tools, and
> this has brought me to LyX. I've installed LyX and TexLive on my
> Slackware 12.1 system, and I've tinkered some with it. It appears to
> be *exactly* what I'm looking for.
> But before I start writing, I'd like to ask if there are any good
> resources on using LyX for writing what is essentially a book on
> programming. I'd really like to avoid painting myself into a corner,
> like I did with OpenOffice.
> Any and all advice is more than welcome.

Steve Litt is your man - he has done several books that sound similar
to this.

I have done a 600 page law textbook with LyX (but the publisher
insisted on a Word file). Lots of indexing, table of statutes, table of
cases. Worked flawlessly.

I also did a (smaller format) cookbook which had lots of minipages and
images. Again, no problems at all: http://books.lulu.com/content/728996


> Sincerely,
> Thomas Løcke

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