alaa abbas schrieb:

Hi, sorry I wrote unclear. What i meant was that she want the author et. al.,journal(italic),year(bold),volume, pages. As already mentioned I use jabref as references management and unsrt as bibtex style.

You haven't understood me corectly. You are writing an article for a journal, so when you know the journal, then you have to use the BibTeX style file provided by the journal and not unsrt. When the journal doesn't provide a BibTeX style they at least provide a Word template so that you know how to format the bibliography. So it is not important what your supervisor says, but what the editors/publishers of the journal need, otherwise they will reject your article until its style follows the guidelines. So when you could send a Word screenshot of the template provided by the journal publisher or tell us the name of the journal, we can help you.

> journal(italic),year(bold),volume, pages

This is not enough info, because how are the entries separated, what is the font style of the entries, has the volume entry the prefix "vol." or "volume" or no prefix...?

regards Uwe

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