I'm trying to create a .layout file for a .cls file I've been given.  I've
tried following the Customization tutorial but I am having no luck after two
frustrating days.  So I tried to back up and make the most basic layout file
I could.

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this

#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[book]{hellobook}

Input stdclass.inc

I save the file as hellobook.layout in my C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX
1.6.3\Resources\layouts directory.  I then do a Tools>Reconfigure and a
restart of LyX.  When I restart I start a new file then go to
Documents>Settings>Document Class.  Hellobook is in my drop down list but
when I select it I get the following error

"LyX: Could not load class.  The document class hellobook could not be

When I click ok I get another error

"LyX: Error.  Unable to set document class"

This is the same error I get no matter what .layout I create.  I know there
is something simple I'm missing but after searching for two days I at my
wits end.  If anyone could give me some pointers it would be much


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