On Friday 24 July 2009 19:08:43 Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Steve Litt wrote:
> > Worse, this isn't the first time. Every time I lay down a new OS, my
> > memoir derived book fails.
> Steve,
>    Perhaps this is a clue to stick with a single distribution. :-)
> > I'm not saying Memoir doesn't have its place. The person who uses Memoir
> > for every book and is intimately familiar with its idiocyncracies will
> > have little trouble with it. But that's not me.
>    I tried the Memoir class a couple of times but it did not work as
> expected. So now I stick with the KOMA-Script book class and it's easy to
> do the few tweaks I want.
> > One thing's for sure -- I'll never use Memoir for a new book again.
>    I have been told by Those Who Know that it's common for a new version of
> Microsoft Word to refuse to open a document created with an earlier
> version. And people still pay money for this! Imagine what fun will occur
> in another decade with legal documents in Word-3, -4, -5, or -6 format if
> they cannot be opened in whatever version is sold by then. Whew!
>    Now and then I find old documents prepared by OpenOffice.org-1.0.0 (or
> earlier) and all of them open without any problems in the current -3.0.0.
>    Try KOMA-Script. Works well and the documentation is thorough and well
> written (in LaTeX, of course).
> Rich

If I'm not mistaken, the doc class for "Troubleshooting Techniques of the 
Successful Technologist" was derived from Koma. I'll keep you informed :-)


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