Steve Litt wrote:

But "Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting is built with a document class based on Memoir, and it's nothing but trouble. First I had to get Memoir from the web because the Ubuntu one didn't seem to work. Now I need memhfixc or my book gets the "zero output" error.

The memhfixc and memoir documentations say memhfixc is included in memoir, but I sure couldn't find it. Yeah, I finally realized I had to run latex mempatch.ins, but it all took time and it was all a hassle. I had to take apart the book til I got a small file to reproduce the problem, narrowed it down to memhfixc, and then had to figure out how to fix it. For all I know, there will be yet other problems when I put back the original layout file and the original document.

The 2008 version of TeXLive (which seems to be the preferred LaTeX distro on Ubuntu) supposedly has a package manager (tlmgr) which might take care of some of the package installation hassles. Unfortunately, the official repositories for Ubuntu have a somewhat conservative adoption rate for new packages (including updates), so the official release is still TeXLive 2007, with no package manager.

So you might want to manually install the 2008 version. Alternatively (and this is what I use at the moment), MiKTeX's excellent package manager has been ported to Linux. It lacks the GUI of the Windows version, but the command line syntax is not all that complicated, and it Just Works. I'm not positive whether using it to install memoir would get mempatch properly installed, but in general there seems to be no manual futzing required once it installs a package.


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