On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:32:51 -0400
Myriam Abramson <mabram...@gmail.com> dijo:

> Sorry, I'm new to Ubuntu (I was using Fedora before). Ubuntu comes
> with 1.5.3 and apt-get refuses to let me upgrade to a newer version. 
> I've tried to put that in the /etc/apt/sources.list but it didn't
> work:
> deb ftp://ftp.lyx.org/ubuntu hardy main 
> and then apt-get update and upgrade but no luck. 

Go here and get the .deb file:


Once you have the .deb file, right click on it and install it with
gDebi package installer. You can also install it from the command line
or with Synaptic, but gDebi is easier because it's just a couple of
mouse clicks.

In theory you could also add it with upgrade if you could figure out
the right repository. I have had bad luck trying to figure out exactly
which repo a program is in. I just find the .deb file and install it

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