That doesn't work too well. There are too many dependencies. 


John Jason Jordan <> writes:

> On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:32:51 -0400
> Myriam Abramson <> dijo:
>> Sorry, I'm new to Ubuntu (I was using Fedora before). Ubuntu comes
>> with 1.5.3 and apt-get refuses to let me upgrade to a newer version. 
>> I've tried to put that in the /etc/apt/sources.list but it didn't
>> work:
>> deb hardy main 
>> and then apt-get update and upgrade but no luck. 
> Go here and get the .deb file:
> Once you have the .deb file, right click on it and install it with
> gDebi package installer. You can also install it from the command line
> or with Synaptic, but gDebi is easier because it's just a couple of
> mouse clicks.
> In theory you could also add it with upgrade if you could figure out
> the right repository. I have had bad luck trying to figure out exactly
> which repo a program is in. I just find the .deb file and install it
> manually.

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