On Mon, 26 Oct 2009, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

In his wonderful book The Elements of Typographical Style, Robert
Bringhurst suggests "pair[ing] serifed and unserifed faces on the basis of
their inner structure." And he goes on to give examples: one might pair a
modern geometric serifed face like Berthold Bodoni with a geometric
unserifed face like Futura. Now Palatino is based on Renaissance humanist
forms -- it looks like its written with a broad-nibbed pen -- and it would
not mix well with Futura, for example. But it might mix well with Syntax,
say, which is an unserifed face also based on Renaissance forms.


  I read that book a number of years ago just to get a sense of the subject.
I'm not a graphics person so I don't easily see the subtle distinctions that
graphically-enabled folks do. I do like the Palatino typeface; it's elegant
and professional, IMNSHO. Beyond that I leave it to you experts. :-)


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