On Tue, 22 Jun 2010, Paul Rubin wrote:

Had to add some verbiage to the Section header and an EndFrame to close it
off, but after that it compiled fine for me (this time on my laptop, Mint
Helena w/TeXLive 2007, beamer 3.07, hyperref 6.75r). I see Julien also got
it to compile. I'm pasting in the hacked version below if you want to try
it on your end.


  Strangely, it does not compile for me.

(Check that the somewhat challenged web interface to GMANE didn't screw up
the address of your logo file.)

  I don't use GMANE, but read mail (including that from the lyx list) using

  I stripped off the message header and loaded the .lyx file into my
installation. Same error as before. Removing the section (empty or not)
makes no difference.

  This is quite frustrating. All I did was upgrade the beamer class
yesterday (because the installed version was so old and I was not seeing the
logo on the slides).

  Later today I'll create a brand new beamer class test file and see what



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