On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Richard Heck <rgh...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On 07/30/2010 11:50 AM, David Hopkins wrote:
>> There are two issues:
>> 1) if I use writer2latex and get the 'ugly' LaTex. The first error is
>> a misplaced \noalign in a table which seems to cascade into a lot of
>> other errors.
> This is the kind of thing for which a perl script is helpful.
>> 2) the second concerns an in-house tex template that is used for
>> internal reports. I can use Texworks, open the file, add text,
>> equations, tables, and such without issues. I can also use WinEdt (on
>> a PC) with the tex file and it works as well.  However, importing this
>> tex file into LyX fails miserably.  LaTex preamble seems to capture
>> everything before the begin{document}, but LyX can't create the
>> document.  The first issue seems to be the use of
>> \def\PREPARETYPE {\MYTR} where MYTR is later defined via
>> \newcommand{\MYTR}{
>>   \documentclass{myarticle}
>>   \usepackage{boxhandler}
>>   \def\MandatoryDL{MY.dls}% Mandatory Distribution List File
>>   \def\UserDL{mystencil.dls}%User Distribution List File
>>   \addtolength{\cftfignumwidth}{0.0ex}%Extend width of lof label if using
>> %appendix figures .OR.>  99 figures
>>   \addtolength{\cfttabnumwidth}{0.0ex}%Extend width of lot label if using
>> %appendix figures .OR.>  99 figures
>>   \def\CaptionJustification{\raggedright}
>>   \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>>   \usepackage{times}
>> }
>> %insert another \newcommand for a different TYPE here ... not included
>> in this email
>> I get errors about having multiple documentclass definitions.
> Because LyX adds \documentclass itself. To use this with LyX, you'll
> definitely need to disentangle some of this. The \usepackage stuff should
> really go in the preamble, BEFORE \documentclass is issued, and I'd think
> the \defs are more natural there, too.
>> If I simply remove the documentclass, I still get errors about
>> \addtolength, and others.
> I'm not so sure why you see this, but, again, disentangling is surely the
> key.
>> I'm trying to convert the template to work with LyX although it
>> does show up with a lot of TeX commands embedded in it. (lots of red
>> sections).
> This can probably be cleaned up some, but it has to be done manually. You
> may be able to write new layout styles, or character styles, to replace some
> of this.

Thanks!  It looks like I have my work cut out for me if I want to get
this working with LyX. Nothing like jumping directly from casual user
to writing templates.

Dave Hopkins

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