Hello Lyx-Users,

i have some problems using .fig-files in my lyx document. Whenever I try to
compily my file I get an error message  that the is an error in the
script-file  fig2pdftex.py. 

On the console i see the following message:
NameError: name `mkstemp` is not defined

On the dialog box in lyx I see:
"Bei der Ausführung von 
python -tt "_some_path_/bin/../Ressources/s
ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."

I added the fig2dev.exe file to path to get the script fig2pstex.py running.

It seems that there are parts of python missing. Is there somebody out there
who can give mit some hints to get ist working?

I use lyx 1.6.7 on windows. (no alt-installer)

Many thanks - Tino

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