I am trying to generate debug output in Lyx 2.0.0 beta 1.  Using LyxLauncher 
seems to capture any output into a console window and throw it away (I assume 
that this is because I'm using the alternative installer; normally I'd use the 
regular one), so I'm trying to run lyx.exe directly.  This is what I see:

C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 2.0beta1\bin>lyx.exe -dbg all
Setting debug level to all

And that's it!  If it was working I would redirect this to a file of course. Is 
there something that I'm doing wrong?  Or is debug trace not enable in 2.0.0?

By the way, why _is_ there still a LyxLauncher.exe?  I thought that lyx.exe was 
being compiled as a native GUI application (annoying for this situation, but 
useful in general)?  Is it because I've used the alternative installer?


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