Am 18.11.2010 20:57, schrieb Jim Oldfield:

I am trying to generate debug output in Lyx 2.0.0 beta 1.  Using LyxLauncher
seems to capture any output into a console window and throw it away (I assume
that this is because I'm using the alternative installer; normally I'd use the
regular one), so I'm trying to run lyx.exe directly.

The LyXLauncher.exe only hides the console windows, but the other installer does the same by default. However, just double-click on the lyx.exe and you get the debug/console window.

This is what I see:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 2.0beta1\bin>lyx.exe -dbg all
Setting debug level to all

Debug level "all" leads to a mass of infos (starting LyX takes here about a minute). Therefore better omit the debug level or set it to a level of your interest, e.g. graphics.
What are you interested in?

And that's it!  If it was working I would redirect this to a file of course. Is
there something that I'm doing wrong?  Or is debug trace not enable in 2.0.0?

Sure. You can copy the infos you get from the console window to a textfile via copy/paste. You can also do this automatically by using Windows' console commands.

By the way, why _is_ there still a LyxLauncher.exe?  I thought that lyx.exe was
being compiled as a native GUI application (annoying for this situation, but
useful in general)?  Is it because I've used the alternative installer?

Having the possibility to see a debug window is useful, especially for a test release like a beta. I try to compile the final LyX 2.0 as native GUI application.

regards Uwe

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