On Tuesday 07 December 2010 01:33:03 Stephan Witt wrote:
> Am 07.12.2010 um 00:18 schrieb Richard Heck:
> > On 12/06/2010 06:06 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> >> On Monday 06 December 2010 17:18:33 Paul Rubin wrote:
> >>> Steve Litt<slitt<at>  troubleshooters.com>  writes:
> >>>> 2) I set it, removed it, and then it came back. Ugh!
> >>>
> >>> There's a ticket about #2 in the bug tracker (#6688 -- I filed it), and
> >>> I just saw a status update on it recently.  Apparently the personal
> >>> dictionary entry is going away in LyX 2.0, so the bug won't need to be
> >>> fixed.
> >>
> >> With what will they replace the personal dictionary in LyX 2.0?
> >
> > I believe the intention is to manage the personal dictionary internally,
> > though I am not the one doing this work. It is your namesake, Stephan
> > Witt ;-). The main motivation is that the various backends we use aren't
> > at all consistent in how they handle adding and removing words, and some
> > of them don't even support removal. There's also the issue with
> > persistence, which you seem to have experienced. So doing it all inside
> > LyX, as far as the personal dictionary goes, makes sense.
> That's a good summary of my work, thanks. :-)
> The current state for LyX 2.0 beta2 is a working internal personal
>  dictionary at a fixed location inside your LyX users directory.  Now
>  adding and removing of words works for me with aspell and hunspell with
>  the internal personal dictionary on Linux and Mac OS X (Windows I couldn't
>  test).
> Next I want to make the location of the personal dictionary more flexible.
> For LyX 1.6.9 I'll have a look at #6688 - I didn't see it earlier.
> As I understand it the path to personal dictionary is used in 1.6.x for
>  ispell (and external aspell?) only. And of course one should be able to
>  clear the input field and save that.
> Stephan

Hi Stephan,


Am I reading you correctly that the LyX internal dictionary is just a file? If 
so, is it a file I can add to and subtract from with a text editor or a perl 

You mention you want to make the personal dictionary location more flexible. 
Sounds good to me. Let me ask you something -- besides being able to set it in 
Tools->Configure, would it be possible for you to add it on a per-document 
basis? It might be as simple as adding a special comment to the document:

# LYX_PERSONAL_DICTIONARY=/home/slitt/books/thrive/thrive.pws

and then being able to edit it from a Docuemnt->Settings, and recognize it 
when running spellcheck. The document's personal dictionary, if it exists, 
would override the Tools->Configure based personal dictionary.

The benefit of this is every document has words that belong to it, but these 
words would be wrong in another document. Names of characters in a fiction 
book come to mind instantly, but there could also be special acronyms for a 
special technology, etc.

Does that sound doable?



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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